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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Clean Dry Skin Tips

For you do have dry skin which is bound to be sensitive or sensitive about it. But you do not need to worry because this type of dry skin treatment and skin care requires careful reply. It's good you see some skin care steps to properly clean dry skin.

The main thing which you should do in skin care is cleaning with gentle cleanser once a day which is before you sleep at night. In the morning you can just wash your face with warm water then use a moisturizer. Dry skin types do tend to look dull, so you have to do the process of peeling or sloughing of dead skin cells once a week. To perform this process, you can choose which grain-grain scrub small, smooth and soft.

You should avoid wearing scrubs which consists of particles of salt and beans because they tend to rough surface so it can rip your skin. This causes sores on the skin tears can also cause loss of moisture in the skin.

In skin care Do not clean the skin with hot water, and too often steaming the face because it will cause the facial skin becomes drier. You should clean your face with cleansing milk and do not use toners which contains alkohol.Jika you use water to clean your face then when dry it should not be dried completely with a towel until the skin is still damp. One more thing in perawata skin, you should be diligent in taking vitamin E and a supplement which contains fatty acids such as cod liver extract and avocado.

Overcoming dull skin

If you have a problem with a distinguished dull skin, you can use the potato to handle. The trick is first washed and then peeled and grated potato. Then wear a face mask for approximately 5-10 minutes, rub it slowly. Then rinse with water and wash your face with facial foam commonp